Recruiters and talent acquisition professionals have job requisitions that they are trying to fill with qualified candidates as fast as possible. However, they are always under pressure to fill their jobs with the best talent and as a result, they utilize many different techniques to source candidates.

Imagine the benefit of knowing exactly how to position yourself in a way that provides you with the best exposure to these professionals. You might be wondering if this is even an important element in your career growth.

I would argue it is important because often the jobs they represent are confidential, possibly replacing someone. These opportunities are not advertised on a website or job board ad.

The following are ten tips that can help you advance in your career. 

Your LinkedIn Profile Should Be a Mini Sales Letter

Your LinkedIn Profile should not restate the information that is on your resume or CV.  It should be a mini sales letter and entice a recruiter or talent acquisition professional to reach out to you. Your recommendations should stress your most marketable skills. Think about what made you better than the person who had your job before you – and include that in your profile.

Your recommendations should stress the skills that would be most important in the opportunity that represents your next career move. Too often recommendations are too general, or they stress skills you don’t want to utilize in the future. 

Realize The Power of Your Professional Network

More than 80% of the workforce advances their career by utilizing their professional and sometimes personal networks. Chances are someone in your network right now knows about a job that would be your dream job – but they don’t know you’re open to a new opportunity.

Recruiters are phenomenal networkers, and this is a skill you must master. Add people to your professional and personal networks daily and become part of the network that is being built by the best recruiters in your profession or industry.

Join Professional Associations

If you want to be contacted by some of the best recruiters or talent acquisition professionals, join professional associations and become an officer or leader in that group. This is one of the first places the best recruiters mine for top talent. Often you will be called to make recommendations and will realize the opportunity is something you would personally like to pursue. 

Join Professional Groups on LinkedIn

As you build your network, join professional groups on LinkedIn. Then become active in those groups by commenting on posts or displaying your expertise by writing posts. This is another place recruiters mine for top talent.

Provide information, share your knowledge, offer to help others because networking is a give and take process. Begin by interacting with individuals in these groups, and then take conversations offline. Often the people in your groups also know of outstanding job opportunities. 

Mentor and Coach

When you help others achieve their career goals, you learn as well, and it does help advance your career. With engagement and retention as two tremendous challenges facing most companies today, your ability to mentor and coach is an extremely desirable trait. In the process of being a mentor or coach you are also learning and developing leadership skills. 

Get Published in a Trade Publication

It is easier to get published in a trade publication than you would think. Call the publication and ask what topics are the “hottest” or most “in demand.” When you submit an article on one of these topics, you’ve greatly enhanced your chances of being printed. Once you are a published author in a trade publication, you are perceived as an expert which helps you advance in your career. Recruiters mine trade publications to identify leaders in their industry, determine who is getting promoted and who is keeping up on current trends.

Return Calls From Recruiters

Too often calls, InMail, and email from recruiters are ignored. I’m suggesting you return their calls. You never know when they could be representing your dream job. If they just pitch a job and don’t ask what you want to do next in your career – you’re working with the wrong recruiters!

Having your resume or CV in the hands of a qualified recruiter who specializes in your profession is one of the best ways to consistently conduct a passive job search. They become your eyes and ears in the job market once they understand your priorities. 

Get Nominated for Awards and Recognition

Have business associates nominate you for awards and recognition. This is where executives, recruiters and talent acquisition professionals go when they are trying to identify high achievers. Not only does this increase your exposure, but it also results in an increase in your perceived value and income.

Utilize Recruiting Firms Who Specialize in Your “Niche”

If you reach out to a Staffing or recruiting firm do your homework before you call. They all specialize in specific niches or areas of expertise. You don’t have to only utilize recruiters who are in your city or town. Many of these firms fill jobs nationwide. 

Always Be Learning

With the constant changes in work, the workforce and workplace, it is more important than ever that you consistently fine tune your skills. When you are taking courses, they often also help increase your network.

Research the positions you most desire and identify which certifications, licenses or courses would most increase your value and marketability. Often individuals who are teaching these courses and very well networked and should be included in your professional network.

Review these strategies and determine which one will have the greatest impact on your career growth and implement that one first.


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