Most people believe job search is scary. I can certainly understand why. After all, you don’t know what’s out there, not exactly. You’re filled with anxiety, nervousness, even fear – along with the feelings that caused you to no longer be at your last job (or the feelings causing you to start looking if you’re still there).

Burrrr! I get shivers just thinking about that!

Which is why we don’t recommend people look at job search that way.

Instead, think of it like a kid walking down a well-lit street on Halloween night. They are looking at all those houses with closed doors, evaluating which ones to approach and ring the bell. The goal is to find the ones that will give the most and the best candy.

Now talk about an opportunity!

Kids view Halloween as a great opportunity. They are thinking, “Tonight I get to knock on doors and people give me candy” (something I want). The “I get to” mentality is what it’s all about. This is the one day knocking on a stranger’s door isn’t scary for the kids. If you approach your search with a mindset of, “Right now I am at a chapter of my life where I get to knock on doors to see if that’s my next (work) home. Is what’s behind this door the right fit for me at this time?” Only for you, the candy is finding and landing the ideal role for you.

Every day in a job search is Halloween! That’s a mindset that frees you from so much of the stress associated with the task. Go out there wearing the look you want to present to the world, evaluate all the options, and focus on how what’s next is going to be for you.


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