This Independence Day don’t eliminate potential choices because you feel stuck. Independence comes in so many forms you simply do not have to remain in a job or industry because you think it’s just too late for you to change course now.

In fact, now is a great time to explore other options. It’s an employees’ market. There are a lot of companies looking for talent, so you can find choices in many places.

The common reasons to not make a change, even when you want to, are, “I’m too old to make such a big change,” and “I have bills to pay, so how can I possibly take a pay cut to start over on a new path?”

These are valid concerns that you simply have to refuse to let control you. You are only too old if you believe you are too old. We work with executives every day to teach them how to turn their age into an advantage and sell their value to prospective employers, something no one can do when they are hung up on age.

The bills are a personal, case-by case conversation. There may be some sacrifice, or simply some juggling you aren’t used to. If you want your independence or fulfillment – whatever it is you’re seeking – you will have to step out of your comfort zone and get past this mental barrier.

So many people looking to make a move are seeking greater fulfillment or control over their lives. Some ways to achieve this are to teach a class a community college. I have spoken with many people who have gone this route and discovered it’s challenging and personally rewarding.

Another excellent option is to join a board. There are non-profit boards that are always looking for smart, experienced people willing to contribute. This is a great way to network and to contribute to an organization you believe in.

Starting a franchise business is a fantastic way to exercise your independence and feel personally fulfilled. You can do this while already working or making it your sole focus. A large number of our community have worked with Pete Gilfillan and found success going this route.

You should be able to say, “I am looking for my Next Great Next” or “I am living my Next Great Next right now.” If you can’t do either one of these, you are probably in that nebulous “grey zone” where you are good at what you do, making a decent living, and not as excited about it as you used to be.

If you feel it is a good time in your career to step back and potentially choose a new path but are hesitant to make the move: go from the for-profit to nonprofit sectors; transition from employee to entrepreneur, try your hand at consulting or a new industry. If you’d like to explore your career options and feel you could benefit from expert coaching, Career at a Crossroads Coaching will help you review your career strengths and options and determine your best career choice moving forward.

No matter what path you take, take a moment this Independence Day to ponder if you are living independently and if you’re feeling fulfilled, because life is just too short not to be!


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