I have worked at the same company for 18 years, during which time I’ve been promoted four times, have progressively grown my responsibility and have delivered on value/progressive projects for the organization. I have started looking at other companies/jobs but based on the questions I get about my tenure at one company, I’m feeling that it’s a disadvantage for me being considered for roles at these companies. Do you have any advice on how best to structure my resume so that I can get to the interview stage and prove my value? Thanks for your advice.

This is an excellent question, and lucky for both of us, I have an easy answer.

Structure your resume to show the company name on the top, from the date you started to present.

Then in sections show your progression in chronological order, showing increased titles, responsibilities and accomplishments. For more help with your resume, take advantage of ExecuNet’s free resume review. 

There is no way that anyone will ever look at 18 years with one employer as a negative, especially when you show that you were loyal and engaged because of the opportunity to advance within your field of expertise.

I am curious what the interviewer said that made you feel it was a negative, but have to believe there was a miscommunication. Next time your longevity comes up, if you feel like you are getting anything but positive feedback I would not hesitate to turn the tables and ask the inquirer if he sees working for one company that length of time as an unfavorable mark against you.

Loyalty will never be out of fashion, and is consistently one of the highest ranked attributes that hiring managers list when asked about the top traits they desire.

My advice is to hold your head up high, no one with any sense at all would ever look at someone with your job stability as a detriment. You clearly are highly skilled and a valued employee, and for whatever reason that has prompted you to take a look around, any company that has a need for your services would be lucky to have you!

Ask Ann,

Have a question you’d like a recruiter to answer? Write to me at AskAnn@execunet.com


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