Every year, I help hundreds of prospective business owners look at their options and consider the viability of investing in a franchise. Some invest… some don’t – some put the idea on the back burner for another day. My role as a franchise consultant is that of matchmaker—helping promising candidates and proven, successful franchisors find each other. I love being the person who brings a great candidate to the right opportunity. It’s an amazing thing to be able to help the American Dream of business ownership on its way.

Career Change Considerations
My goal is always to illuminate the franchise option for the people who have the most to gain from it—those who would thrive if they had the chance to hire themselves. If any of these scenarios describes your situation, that might be you—and you might want to explore this worthwhile path to owning your own business before making your next career move:

  • Are you actively job hunting to replace a lost career position?
  • Have you been job hunting for months or years, and are you starting to think about throwing in the towel rather than continuing to find only part-time, contract, or low-pay positions?
  • Do you think the writing’s on the wall at your corporate job, and you want to be ready if and when the pink slips come to your side of the building?
  • Are you looking for a career change—maybe because you’ve taken an early retirement or finished a military career, or perhaps because you just need a new challenge?
  • Are you grinding away at a job that’s beginning to grind back, taking a toll on your health, on your family, and on your spirit?

Do you want to increase your business portfolio by investing and diversifying via business concepts with proven records of success?

Discover Your Options
For some people, franchising comes along like a storm of opportunity, blustering in and offering a new, quick, and total change. But for most, it’s an idea that lurks, that knocks, that begins to carry a little weight, and that eventually wants to be heard. It’s an idea that, as it matures, offers a way to build a bridge out of corporate dependence and into entrepreneurship.

If you’ve ever wondered if owning a franchised business might be for you, you owe it to yourself to learn about your career change options. Let’s talk about it!



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