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ExecuNet’s Exclusive Recruiter Directory
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We know many of these firms and the people who they employ. They have been included in this directory because we have confirmed that they are firms and people who job seekers and hiring managers should know.
The best way to connect with a recruiter is through a mutual connection. If you are making an un-aided attempt to connect, be honest and say that you are an ABC executive looking to make and share connections and find opportunities or talent in the XYZ industry.
Don’t expect a reply unless you’re a match for a current search. Recruiters have target fixation. They have little or no time for individuals who do not match the specifications for the searches they are working on currently. If you have a new search for them, you’ll hear back quickly.
A response is unlikely, but figuring out a way to follow-up in a politely persistent way every month or so might not be a terrible idea. A recruiter may not be working on filling position that matches your background, but they may be looking for someone just like you next month. The best avenue for job seekers is to network into the recruiting firm with a referral from a mutual contact.
Do not ask for help with your job search. Professional search consultants represent employers, who engage them to fill position openings. In other words, recruiters find people for jobs – not jobs for people.
Ask what searches they are working on because you have a great deal of contacts in the XYZ industry and would be happy to make some introductions. Networking 101: make some deposits into the relationship before expecting to get anything out of it.