Recently, I was reminded of the philosophy of Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip, about networking and connecting with people in general.

He basically challenged people to recall the best in their field, things like:

  • Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
  • Name the last 10 World Series winners.
  • Name 10 Nobel or Pulitzer Prize winners.
  • Name the last five Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
  • Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.

These big headlines fade away when the next one rolls out. Their moment is fleeting and doesn’t last long with us. But he counsels some things do. Try this list for comparison:

  • Name three teachers who aided your journey through school.
  • Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
  • Name five people who taught you something worthwhile.
  • Name five people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
  • Name five people you enjoy spending time with.

Wow! That second group sure was easier.

And that’s the point. The people with the fame, money, awards, etc., they don’t have the biggest impact on us. The impact, the lasting impact, is made by the people who connected with us.

We should all strive to seek out those types of people wherever we can find them…That’s quality networking and simple connecting.

ExecuNet strives to be that type of organization, one you’ll remember cared about you, helped you, and connected you with other like-minded souls. Our career strategists do that with the Premium Members they work with, and we do that by bringing in career experts to talk to you, people you will want to learn from and genuinely care.

One such career path expert came to the ExecuNet stage recently. As President and CEO of executive search firm Employment Resource Group (and a TEDx speaker), Sharon Hulce has guided thousands of executives and professionals in rediscovering work-life passion and purpose. She has made it her life’s vocation to help people find work that brings them fulfillment and purpose.

In a fireside chat with ExecuNet’s Tony Vlahos, Sharon pulled back the curtain and shared her insider views on a range of topics, including overcoming ageism in job search, what recruiters can really do for you, and how to bring passion and energy back into your career.

If you want to find the right place for you, where you’ll fit and be doing what you love, check out this special ExecuNet event!


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