Updated August 4, 2024

Premium Access Cancellation Policy

To cancel your Premium Access, send your written request to our Member Services team at member.services@execunet.com or call 203-750-1030. To avoid renewal charges for the next renewal period, you must cancel before your renewal date, or Premium Access will be renewed.

If you cancel your Premium Access, you may use your Premium Access until the end of the period you last paid for.

Premium Access Refund Policy

ExecuNet offers a 30-day money back guarantee. If you cancel within 30 days, you will receive a full refund on your Premium Access. The 30-day money back guarantee is valid only for new Premium level access.

Beyond the first 30 days, If you choose 30-day Premium Access and cancel there will be no refunds of unused portion of your access, but you will have access to the end of the period you have paid for.

If you choose 90-day Premium Access, you will be eligible for a prorated refund for each full month remaining in your Premium Access.

All refunds agreed to will be paid within 7-10 days.

Changes in Pricing and your Premium Access

You will be given notice of any changes in the pricing of your Premium Access and an opportunity to cancel. If ExecuNet changes these prices and you do not cancel your Access, you agree that you will be charged at ExecuNet’s then-current pricing for Premium Access.

Career Services: Collateral & Coaching Refund and Cancellation Policy

You understand that your coaching/collateral is highly customized and ExecuNet begins investing time and expertise into this engagement immediately.

We also understand that that your needs may sometimes change. Provided work has not begun – you may cancel the agreement for a full refund within three days of approving and returning your Service Agreement to your ExecuNet Strategist. Thereafter no refunds will be issued. Your options include requesting a credit hold for services to be used at a later date or swapping out services of equal value in place of your original selection.

Appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment will be forfeited. Unfulfilled items/modules that are unscheduled/undelivered after six months (180 days) from the initial approval date of the Service Agreement will be forfeited.

If your Writer/Resource does not receive feedback from you within 14 days after sending your latest resume or collateral draft, your document may be finalized and delivered. Changes after this point may incur additional fees.