Have you ever struggled to find the right words, especially when you’re in a really challenging or tricky situation? What if you always knew exactly what to say and not to say – in interviews, meetings, presentations, and hard conversations?

A member of the ExecuNet community joined us for a master class session that will help you deal with difficult situations (such as interviews) and difficult people so that you can keep your cool and turn challenging moments into your chance to shine.

Communication strategist Sam Horn is on a mission to help people feel and be better when the heat is on. Sam helps people design and deliver TEDx talks, keynotes, funding pitches and one-of-a-kind brands. She’s developed a trade-marked communication skills approach, that teaches how to give (and get) respect at work, at home, online, and in public.

Sam doesn't waste your valuable time on abstract theories. She focuses on real-life situations and responses you can use immediately in interviews, meetings, presentations, and hard conversations. Listen to what she has to share...you'll be better for it!

  • Introduction (0:42)
  • Be Prepared With 60-Second Responses (7:06)
  • Answering "What do you do?" (8:24)
  • Answering "Tell me about yourself" (14:45)
  • Tell Them About the Problems You've Solved, Not the Positions You've Held (21:37)
  • Informing Isn't Bragging (26:57)
  • The Commonality Edge (32:30)
  • At the End of the Talk (44:02)


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