According to recent studies, 33% of all new hires quit their job within the first six months. As a result, employers are now evaluating you on 15 additional areas.


Employers want to know that you are willing and eager to be a part of their company. They may ask why you want to work for their company and will often test your interest level. They want to hire individuals who are qualified for their current opportunity, but also show enthusiasm about working for their company long-term. The best way to display a high level of interest is to use the words “On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the highest, I’m a 10.”

Ability to Speak Clearly and Listen

Speak clearly, pronounce each word correctly, and refrain from using any slang, abbreviations, or text terms during your interview. Verbal communication skills impact almost every hiring decision.
Never interrupt the interviewer. If you do not understand a question, clarify your understanding before you answer.

Interaction with Others

Most opportunities look for an individual who can interact with other people. Give specific examples during your interview of your ability to work effectively as a member of a team. This is applicable for onsite as well as remote opportunities. Often, interaction and clear communication is more important for individuals working remote.

Leadership Skills

Leadership does not only refer to supervisory or management positions. Hiring authorities look for leaders in most positions. What sets you above your co-workers? What skills can they build on for your future growth with their company?

If you are a current manager or supervisor, highlight your leadership abilities. Leaders have followers, managers have subordinates. People will often resent a strong manager but are inspired by a strong leader. There are reasons why much emphasis is being put on leadership qualities.

Problem Solving

Employers need to know that you can handle yourself when a problem arises. Whenever possible provide specific examples that demonstrate how you are someone who does not dwell on problem, but rather switches immediately to viable solutions.

Work-related Experience

If you have related experience, share the level of your experience and expertise so the employer realizes there will not be much of a learning curve. This also applies if you are changing professions or industries, or if you are going from the public to private sector. You have experience that is transferrable, and soft skills that are marketable beyond your current profession or industry.

Community Involvement

Most employers are impressed by volunteer work. This shows you take pride in your community and displays team player abilities. Many hiring managers are now Millennials who put a high premium on philanthropic endeavors. Research the causes that are supported by the company you have targeted to make sure they align with your beliefs and values.

Company Knowledge

Employers like to hear that you have done your research regarding their company. It proves that your interest in working for their company is sincere. Set up google alerts, read press and media, and connect with current as well as past employees to gain knowledge not shared on the company website. Also research the LinkedIn profile of the person | persons who will interview you.


Employers want to know that you can easily “go with the flow.” It proves that they will be able to depend on you later, no matter what changes they implement. Flexibility does not refer to your desire to work flexible hours. This refers to your ability to quickly adapt to change.

Speaking of flexibility, many jobs are going back to on-site or hybrid work arrangements, If you are only interested in working remote, it will limit the number of opportunities. In addition, the lack of interaction has limited career growth for some individuals who will only work remote.

Ambition and Motivation

Ambitious people are generally motivated enough to make great improvements in the company.
Most companies realize you can’t motivate someone who is not motivated. The best they can do is create a motivating environment.

Think of your accomplishments throughout your career. What did you do and how did it positively impact a past employer? Your interview is an audition for a job, not a fact-finding session. You want this hiring manager to envision you in the job and be impressed by your motivation and ambition by what you’ve done in your past jobs.

People Skills

Your ability to get along with others is key to any employer. Employers are determining if a potential hire only communicates using technology or if they can build relationships with co-workers and customers.

Professional Appearance

You are a representative of the company you work for, and you often provide the first impression of your company. If you are told you will have a phone interview, dress professionally because often the phone interview become a video interview at the last-minute and you want to be prepared. Also dress one level better than you would as an employee.

Handle Conflicting Priorities

Most employers will expect you to juggle various priorities while you also meet deadlines. Think of situations where you have faced conflicting priorities and how you resolved them while making sure projects were completed on time.

Computer Proficiency

Companies utilize technology to help them run more efficient. Basic computer skills are required for most positions and throughout your career you will be required to continually upgrade those skills. During your interview share your technical abilities and know the proper names of all the systems you currently utilize.


Employers want dependable and reliable people to work for them. If your attendance is stellar and you do whatever it takes to get a job one, share those with a potential employer. The ability to arrive on time and the desire to advance within their company are also desired traits.

When you stress these areas, you will focus on the priorities of your potential employer, ace out your competition, improve your chances of advancing in the interview process and obtain a job offer.

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